I found this on my friends blog...I thought it would be fun.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
9 years ago
Well, the thing I always think of first when I think of you is our walks! I could always count on you when I needed to get away for a while (not to mention the scenery)!
I really enjoyed taking those crazy pictures in the lab. We were so bad..probably not in the employee handbook. But we were usually good and always took the negatives out. At least we tried to be. Remember the one lady that brought back our picture and said it wasn't hers. oops.
I loved seeing you at the kenney chesney concert and sitting wtih you. Eric was being a butt head so I didn't want to sit with him. So you made the concert fun for me. It was fun dancing and singing with you. You are such a good friend!
The best memory was when you were trying to tell Bryce our Prevnar rep that you really did like the pens and the kleenex he brought us but you got a little confused and said "I like you peanuts!"but the I like you Pea- part was much quieter than the NUTS part! It didnt sound so good!
Oh, Stace-ma-roo. There are SOO many memories! I will try to list as many as possible (because I love these things).
I remember driving with you to Vegas to see your family in the Hot Hot Neon. I remember Homecoming and how great your hair is. I remember you and Meggie fighting and something happening with your milk straw. Good times in Idaho and the winter Wheeler farm. Singing in your car (Madonna and other great songs) and going to your family's place south of Provo. WalMart runs and times getting food at Smith's. I think I remember us being so hot in Apt. 5 that we put otterpops in the backs of our shirts, visiting you at the other apartment (in the east), talking to you about seeing certain boys "at the grill". Oh, I remember, when you worked at Costco and you would get my photos with the white borders for me (I still LOVE that and I remember you when I see them!) I remember how you used to move around in our bunk bed a lot. Talking with you about photography. You taking my engagement photos, your "magic trick" with Jena where you were taller than her when you were sitting down because your torso was longer. I remember "cleaning checks" in Apt. 5 and how we all stayed up late cleaning. I loved how you drank milk from the straw and how you always were so fun and funny to be with!
I remember the time after work when I had my digi camera and I was about to go home and I took a picture of you in a little kid's coat that was left in the lost and found. I think I still have the pic somewhere... Oh, and watching back to the beach and friends during lunch.
So many...I don't know if I can pick just one. I love all the times we get to hang out, and I love when we just sit and talk and both of us end up crying. As for our childhood I remember "rub-a-dub dolly"...
I think the best one is when you hide, or jump out to scare your brother Anthony. Because he screams like a girl, Or when he trys to get you back, and then I feel so proud knowing you all are my kids.... Or when you and Ellis would play hide n go seek in the house. It was always fun watching to see where your next hiding spot would be.
Look who I found! My favorite memory of you involves your old bug! Do you remember when you were so sick you couldn't drive home, so I had to take you and I couldn't drive your car's stick? So I pushed in the clutch and you shifted for me while you were about to die. Oh the good times! What else are you up to these days?
Stace! I didn't see this post from forever ago...and I've been checking your blogs tonz the past two days because I wanted to post memories about you! I didn't realize you already had it up there!!!
So, I'm very excited to post my favorite Stacie Memories! :) First of all I have to say that I love that your picture is you drinking milk out of the jug with a straw!!! Because that is one of my favorite memories! :) I remember getting sick off gingersnaps on Sunday afternoons in crazy room. I remember making our top ten list for ward prayer. Smith runs for peanut-butter twix & other peanut-butter-chocolate goodies. fighting over the crunchy part on the end of the corn dog (I always think of you when I feed my kids corn dogs!). Pulling pranks on people. Getting ready for church sunday mornings. I always miss having my girls around every sunday morning. We had such good times! There are so many more. I love ya Stacie!
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