So since it's Thanksgiving today I thought "what would be appropriate to blog about today?" and decided naturally it would be nice to list a few things that I am particularly thankful for this holiday.
These are listed in no particular order.... (I don't think "A" is better than any other letter, I just had to start with one of them.)
A. My family. I know that my whole life has not been easy for them, dealing with me, but they've always been there. I love that as we have all gotten older how much closer we have become. I never thought I would be as close to my brothers as I am. I love my little niece and nephew so much. They bring so much happiness into our lives. My parents - there aren't enough words to really express all I feel for you... Thank you so much for all you've done for me. I am also very grateful for my extended family. They are so supportive and caring. I don't know where I'd be without my family.
B. My friends. I have friends from high school, friends from college, old roommates who are now some of my best friends, friends from work, friends from church, friends from everywhere.... I love you all and am so happy that we've still kept in touch and you all mean so very much to me. I love to see how your lives are changing and how happy you are. I am so grateful to have your listening ear and that even though I'm still "single" and haven't a clue with what to do with my life, you still care.
C. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. The last few years have really been a time of growth for me. When I was seventeen I was diagnosed with Bipolar. It explained so much but it took years before I found the proper treatment for me and that wasn't easy. It was then that I really developed a relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ. Through Him and my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I have been able to find my self-worth and my reason for enduring through this life. It hasn't been easy and I know it'll continue to be tricky for the rest of my life on earth, but I know I can do it. Everyday I wonder how it's going to turn out and what I'm doing with my life, but it all works out. Even the bad days work out. I'm so thankful for the testimony I have of Jesus Christ and for all He means to me and does for me.
D. Shoes. I know it sounds a little ridiculous that I would pick shoes to be thankful for, but I really am. First of all, for the very reason we have shoes. To protect us from the elements, keep our feet warm and safe from the world. Second for the fact that no matter how much I weigh or how discouraging a shopping trip might be, shoes always fit. It's even better when I can find a fantastic pair of shoes that not only fits but is a great price. I do have a lot of shoes, but when you're looking you can always find a great deal and that's how I work.
E. My Body. That might sound crazy too, but let me explain. Yes I have things I would love to change about myself, but I mean the Human Body in general. I had the chance to go see the Body Worlds Exhibit last month. If you don't know what that is, its an exhibit where human bodies that have been donated to this cause have been artistically displayed. It sounds so morbid, I know. But I learned so much from this exhibit. I'm amazed at all that the body does just to survive. How it creates and sustains life. The heart is so central to the body. Not only is it absolutely necessary to survival, it is the emotional and mental starting point. I always just thought it was my imagination when I could feel things in my heart whether love, happiness and joy or sadness. I learned that there is an actual physiological reaction to these emotions and it starts at the heart. It helped me understand how incredible the body is. Everyday when I get the chance to go to the gym or just run or walk, cry, laugh, talk, see, taste and feel... I feel alive. I love to hear my own heartbeat as it is evidence that I'm still alive. I can still do anything. It gives me hope.
F. The Four Seasons. Every year at the change to a new season I feel so much excitement. I love Spring and the newness of life on Earth. Summer, the heat and it brings so much passion for life. Fall, the fantastic painting of colors that Heavenly Father gives us. The crisp freshness after a long, hot summer. And winter, I can't forget winter. Even though I sometimes complain about the cold, there is nothing like fresh fallen snow. Bundling up warm and playing in the snow, coming back for Hot Cocoa (the Cocomotion is yet another thing I am thankful for) and the charming warmth of family and friends close. Every time we get close to another season, I get butterflies in my stomach because I get so excited.
G. Flowers. Whether in a bouquet coming from someone, in a garden or just wild, I LOVE flowers. They are so beautiful. No matter how hard the world gets, the flowers just keep coming in all there beauty. I love it when wild flowers just come up from seemingly no where. I love driving along the freeway and seeing multitudes of sunflowers randomly peeking their way along the road. I think I like sunflowers so much because they remind me of myself. They're random and bright and beautiful. They do what they want, when they want, but they are still loyal and they are there every year without fail. You can always count on it.
Well, for now I will stop my list because I know you don't have all day to just sit and read about what I'm thankful for. Thank you for reading it and for caring. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope it's everything you hope it is.
9 years ago
Very nice! That is a very appropriate blog. In response to A-your family....I don't know where you would be "with" your family either :-) :-)
thanks Ash... that is embarassing, but I fixed it don't you worry!
It was funny...not embarassing! I thought it added nice touch to your blog!
you have such a way with words!
I'm thankful for you Stace! I miss you! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
You're so cute! I love you to death!
I agree Stace-ma-roo! I love it!
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