Okay, so this is really embarrassing to admit, but a funny story goes along with it so here goes.... I still have my baby blanket! It's pink and white plaid and oh-so-soft. I can't get rid of it or put it away, I've tried many a time but to no avail have I been successful! So today, somehow in conversation it came up at work that I still have my blanket. One of the girls I work with (no name used here as I don't want to embarrass her ;) still has her blanket and is just as obsessed with it as I am about mine! Can't sleep without it, can't handle emotional situations without it, as well as trouble getting out of bed in the mornings because I don't want to put it away for the day!
The reason this is such happy news is because many family members have given me much grief over this little fact and tease me endlessly, however now I am comforted and greatly appreciate the fact in knowing that I'm not the only fully grown woman that still has her blanket (aka NUTS!) For awhile now I've told myself that when I get married, I'll put it away. Possibly why I'm not married yet, I'm not ready for that kind of big step! But now I know (as my friend is such a great example) that a marriage can still be had with blanket still in tow! Yay!!
Okay, so many of you might not think this that funny but painfully pitiful, but I don't care! The reason I share this story is to let those mean family members (you know who you are.... who tease me about taking it on vacation and who steal it when I'm not looking) know that I'm not the only one! I know the teasing will continue until the day I die (even then, I want my blanket in the casket with me because if it's possible, I'm taking it with me!) and that's okay, because I'm not the only one!
9 years ago
I think that it is a great story...I still use my blanket that I have had forever, and it is torn pretty good...I even made Ben use it a couple of times!! :-)
I love you Stac!!! You're so cute!
Funny thing....I was reading your blog as you were reading mine because you just commented on mine at the same time that I was reading yours! :) Anyways, nobody else would think that was cool but me...actually no, I think you'll be really excited about that too!!! :)
Anyways, you are not lame at all for still having your baby blanket! I hope my kids keep theirs till they're 26 too!!!! And even longer! Don't ever throw it away. You might be surprised to know that we have Mike's baby blanket in our closet too. No, he doesn't sleep with it though. That might be weird, since he's a guy :) But for you, it's not weird. I still have my Curious George that I had as a baby. I don't sleep with it though...Mike would get jealous. But I'll keep it forever!! So keep your baby blanket forever!!!
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