I became an aunt again on Tuesday April 15, 2008! Aiden McKale Elmer was born at 7:55 a.m. and weighed 7 lb 6 oz and 19 1/2 inches long! He sure is cute! He looks a lot like his big sister, Hailey! I love being an aunt! It's fun to spoil and then send home to Mom and Dad!!! I'm sure it's appreciated!
9 years ago
WOW! He is SO cute!! You look great too, by the way! Good luck with the car, I hope everything goes well. Have you seen our blog?
Aiden is very cute. He does look a lot like Hailey. And, you, make one HOT Auntie!!!
That is a really cute picture....I really like your new blog. How do all of you get so creative with your background? I just can't figure it out....
Hey-I became an Aunt again on the same day! My new niece and your nephew have the same birthday!
Same weight too, actually-how funny. My niece was 21 in though. :)
This Baby is so beautiful. I love all my grandkids and kids. But they take after one another. Aiden looks just like Hailey did at birth. Gorgous like there aunt and Grandma Lisa
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